Our free services for relocating businesses include:
- Realistic and unbiased assessment of the opportunities the area offers
- Workforce and training analysis
- Search for suitable premises
- Financial counseling
- Identification of local partners
- Recognition of local customer bases
- Recruitment channels and training opportunities
Explore the entire potential and strengths of the South Karelia region here:
Collaborative Recruitment Campaigns:
The city has joined forces with businesses to organize joint recruitment campaigns to attract talent to the ICT and other sectors. In these collaborative efforts, a group of companies comes together, leveraging collective marketing efforts for greater impact. This has yielded positive results in attracting skilled professionals. You can learn more about participating companies at lappeenrantarekry.fi
Land and Facilities for Investors:
You can explore different areas in the Lappeenranta region in advance through the following links:
- Kukkuroinmäki - Circular Economy and Business
- Mustola Business and Logistics Park
- Browse available plots (scroll down the left menu to find "Teollisuustontit" and "Liiketontit"
- South Karelia land and property service